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精选鳕鱼花胶 Premium Fish Maw

RM 62.00
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产品描述 Product Description:


Fish Maw is a dried product of various types of fish maw. It is famous for its gelatin, and its alias is Maw. Fish maw, is made by removing fish maw from the belly of the fish and cutting and drying it. It is rich in protein and gelatin.

功效 Benefit:

养颜润肤、补肾益精 、滋补养血

Excellent source of Collagen and Skin Beautifying.

食用方法 Direction to use:


  1. 鳕鱼胶用清水清洗一下 
  2. 锅里放足够淹没鱼胶的水,煮开后。 将鱼胶放入,鱼胶焯水2分钟(焯水时间长短视鱼胶的大小和厚度)。 
  3. 泡发鱼胶的冷水要尽量多,这样鱼胶才能泡发的充分。 放入冰箱冷藏室泡发24小时,中间换水1-2次。
  4. 根据喜欢把鱼胶切小块备用。 泡发后一次用不完,可以分小袋装后,放冰箱冷冻保存。 

The steps of the method of soaking Fish Maw

  1. Wash the Fish Maw with clean water 
  2. Put enough water to submerge the fish maw in the pot and boil it. Put the fish maw in and blanch the fish maw for 2 minutes (the blanching time depends on the size and thickness of the fish maw).
  3. Put it in the refrigerator and let it soak for 24 hours, changing the water 1-2 times in between.
  4. Use as much cold water as possible to soak the fish maw, so that the fish maw can fully soak.
  5. Cut the fish maw into small pieces as you like. After soaking the hair, you can't use it up at one time. You can put it in small bags and store in the refrigerator.  

保存方法 Storage Method: 


Keep refrigerated at all times to maintain freshness and avoid moulds and bugs. Avoid direct sunlight, humidity and odours.

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